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Review: The Phone Company by David Jacob Knight

The Phone Company - David Jacob Knight

PCo decides to set up its data centre in the town and hands a phone called Tether to its customers. Unlike the usual phone characters in the apps of this phone seems real.It updates personal data of user by itself and people all over the world can rate you on basis of whatever you did or do!Steve is attached to his old phone unlike his two kids, he doesn't get why everyone in the town worship PCo. Steve's worry becomes serious when everything done in virtual world of the phone becomes real.And people he loves and knows start to change.

As I finished half the book I ha to force myself to continue reading. The climax though was fast paced and interesting.It was difficult in the starting for me to grasp what the plot was but it was only towards the end that the story started to make sense to me so I think it's good after all that I decided to push on with it!